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3751 Into El Salvador.
3751 Through guerrila country.
3754 Learning to beware of hidden land-mines.
3755 Intense occupation of the land.
3755 Maize, planted on volcanic scoria, right to the railroad ties, etc.
3755 Why not soya instead of maize?
3756 San Andrés, archaeological site.
3757 In San Salvador, blessing of being given haven inside an armed enclosure, >>>>>in a city in permanent alarm; thank you.
3758 Museum of Archaeology.
3758 Why is there no coastal trace of ancient transoceanic populating of >>>>>America?
3761 Fringe benefit of the pollution:
     if the volcano goes off, nobody will notice.
3762 A rich lady invites us off-the-street for tea.
3762 A humble lady shares her tamales with us.
3762 A worker gives us two roses.
3765 An auto-repair shop with 70/80 spaces, soft background music;
     (our steering hose reconditioned).
3766 A telephone directory with the alphabet reiterated every few pages.
3767 A radiobroadcasting out of this world: never gives time, news.
3768 Commotions inside, battle outside, San Salvador.
3770 Night in village square, shattered by grenades and automatic firearms; >>>>>poor young men, on both sides.